Interview with Heather Lara (cont.)


What do you find most difficult about the process? 

The most difficult part for me is knowing when to stop!  I’m a detail oriented person and there’s ALWAYS more detail to include, it’s difficult to know when it becomes too much.


How many hours a day do you work?

 I work in spurts.  I have kids, a husband,  and too many animals to list that need my time as well so when I work on a project, it’s 14 hour days until it’s done.  I call it my “business trip” because my husband also travels – for real.  So when he ‘s home and his work schedule can handle it – he takes over things at home and I go on a ‘trip’ to my studio which is located on our property in our barn.  Some months are my busy time like October to December and March to July, other times of the year, commissions allowing I take a much needed break from creativity.

Check back tomorrow for more of our interview with Heather.