Tigran Tsitoghdzyan Creates Photorealistic Paintings

Tigran Tsitoghdzyan's paintings are generating buzz in the art community.

The 38-year-old artist creates photorealistic oil paintings on canvas, and has impressed art dealers and aficionados with his attention to detail and careful technique. Tsitoghdzyan paints each work inch by inch, developing elegant finished pieces with emotional depth. 

Tsitoghdzyan currently has a number of paintings on display at Arcature Fine Art gallery for Art Miami. Art Miami is an annual international contemporary and modern art fair that attracts tens of thousands people each year.

Tsitoghdzyan's popularity has increased with both professional art curators and everyday enthusiasts. Dealers and art publications have taken notice as fan enthusiasm on social media grows, and his painting Mirror V is now valued at over $70,000 at auction. 

Filmmaker Artur Balder will create a documentary about Tsitoghdzyan for the Museum of Modern Art. Balder is known for such documentaries as Little Spain, which explores the history of Spanish and South American immigrants in Lower Manhattan. 

Art Miami will run through Dec. 7.